Sunday, September 10, 2017

Reflection on my summer

Activity from the #weeklyfocus

My first goal for the summer was just to stay within my points and drink lots of water. I succeeded at this. I didn't have a particular weight goal in mind, but I lost 25 pounds.

I made it happen by tracking everything every day. I learned ... not much new. The program works when you work it. 

My activity goal was to go swimming 15 times, since I paid $150 for the membership. I failed at this goal. The water was always too cold! We had a mild summer in Tennessee, and I was out of the country for the hottest parts. I won't be getting a membership there again.

What got in the way was mostly weather, but it didn't help that my friend who was going to go with me was never available. I learned that I shouldn't pay money for exercise. 💰I also got more evidence that it's hard to exercise when I don't set a time. 

I was planning to walk more, but the weather was bad or I had a cold or I hurt my foot, I learned I need to have back-up exercises lined up. 

This week's eating goals will be to stay within my point range (including weeklies and fitpoints). 

My activity goal for this week will be to complete my physical therapy exercises (for back and feet) at least 4 times, and to schedule it before breakfast. #babysteps