Saturday, August 12, 2017

Journal on my weight loss journey

I was listening to @fatdag’s WhysAdvice #94 this morning (see There were several subjects, one being what to say when people tell you you’ve lost enough and you should stop. This hasn’t happened to me, but people HAVE asked if I’m losing too fast. I’ve always said, “I’m losing at 2 pounds a week, and that’s right on target.” But it has had an effect on my thinking and made me question my rate of loss. Especially as I’m having loose skin, much more than when I lost this same weight 17 years ago. 

So this past week, I set my tracker to “maintain,” with the idea of giving my body time to adjust. My WI was this morning, and I gained 1.4 lbs, which is pretty much maintaining. I’m not upset at the results. But I didn’t like the mental effect on me. 

Giving myself a few more points was like opening the doors to a giant party. “Whee! I can relax! I can have this, and this, and this!” And that was difficult to fight against. I also felt hungry a lot. I started thinking a lot more about cake frosting. 

For this week I’ve lowered my target partway, just giving myself 2 extra points per day. I want to shift back to losing but I only want to lose 1 pound per week, not two. 

I’m still trying to increase activity, mostly in order to shape my body and get some muscles under that loose skin. I’m also trying to relax about the loose skin. As a WW Connector said to me a while ago, you have to compare the aesthetics of weight loss with the health benefits—heart health, cardiovascular strength, less pressure on the joints, etc.—and those are what really matter. 

Another topic fatdag discussed in his podcast was finding a deeper “why.” I think that’s something I need to work on, too. 

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